FINAL EXAMS | Exam IDs and Exam4 download

Final Exams Schedule | News and Events

Ms. Edwards sent an email to students today that contained instructions for downloading and testing the latest version of the Exam4 software, as well as, the student’s final exam ID number. Students are strongly encouraged to download and test the software several days prior to the first day of exams, May 1st. Additionally, the email encourages those without a compatible PC/laptop to contact the Law School’s IT team to reserve a laptop. There are a limited number of loaners. So, the earlier you contact IT the better.

SPECIAL NOTE: 3L students should download and test the software ASAP. The version used throughout the semester for in-term assessments will NOT be available. Students will use the latest version of the software to submit their Graded MPT answers.  3L students also received a 4-digit ID to use for the Graded MPT, and should not use their 3-digit final exam ID until their final exams. If a student has any questions about this, please contact Ms. Edwards.

If a student did not receive Ms. Edwards’ email, please let her know as soon as possible.

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